Follow us and join the conversation!

The DDGC Collective maintains multiple social media accounts in order to engage with the community, share announcements, and participate in critical initiatives of interest to our members.

Find us online

  • We tweet under the handle @ddgctweets.

    If you are part of our collective and would like to get involved, one way would be to help us run the account. If you are interested, reach out to any one of the steering committee members with an expression of interest. We’ll do our best to find ways to get you involved!

  • We post on Instagram under the handle @DDGC_21.

    If you are part of our collective and would like to get involved, one way would be to help us run the account. If you are interested, reach out to any one of the steering committee members with an expression of interest. We’ll do our best to find ways to get you involved!

  • You can join our private Facebook group here:

    If you are part of our collective and would like to get involved, one way would be to help us run the account. If you are interested, reach out to any one of the steering committee members with an expression of interest. We’ll do our best to find ways to get you involved!